The Perfect Dress!

Published by Kalnirnay Fashion Mantra 2017 on   December 27, 2016 in   FashionArt

You should know what to wear where. This understanding of your attire and its Relevance is an important part of your personality. For that you must learn and Follow the etiquette’s of dressing.

Manners’ is a term usually preceded by the word good or bad to indicate whether or not a behaviour is socially acceptable. In that sense, dressing etiquette is equally important.

 Dressing Etiquette:

Getting ready for office? Want to go to the party afterwards? Attending a wedding?…

So many occasions and so many ways to dressing up. But an intelligent fashionista will know what is suitable for each occasion. Dressing etiquette is the way we communicate with our clothing and dress. Dressing elegant has much to do with dressing appropriately for the occasion. Long gone were the days of ‘one size fits all’. Now with the enormous clothing options, how does one figure out when and where is jeans and a tee appropriate? Where do dresses have their place? Thus, the greater the need for the knowledge of clothing etiquette.

Clothes have a secret language of their own. They communicate more than we realize. Sending the wrong message about yourself could jeopardise your chances of desired friendships, love and career. Good impressions count. Sadly, though you may have a heart of gold, most people won’t stick around long enough to find out. Sometimes, people just don’t have the time.


A simple guide to daytime dressing:

Wear light-coloured clothes such as whites, beige, pastel, or bright colours (if your complexion deems fit). Dark colours are too harsh. Also wear only natural looking makeup, with minimal jewellery unless you have a glamorous day event. Low to medium heels are appropriate.


A simple guide to evening dressing:

You can afford to go a little more formal. Or not, it is your choice. Black, of course, is always welcomed, along with darker, richer colours. Those who practice strict etiquette only wear Diamonds at night. It is definitely more tasteful to wear glitter and high heels in the evening but scale your amount of glitz to the type of event.


Going from Day to Night:

Since we do not always have the luxury of a change of clothes from day clothes to evening clothes, especially when the circumstances warrant it, we have to learn how to make an outfit go from day to night. If you have a cocktail event after work, you could wear a cocktail dress inside and wear a blouse or Cardin over it. You could pair it off with an executive jacket. If your dress code at work

is more professional, stick to little back dresses or structured dresses in navy or cream. After work, you can safely tuck away that outer layer and you can put on accessories such as pearls, or handier earrings. Dab on some eyeliner and red lipstick that you’ve tucked away in your purse and you’re good to go.



  • Wearing casual wear to the office.
  • Wearing beachwear in the city.
  • Not dressing in one’s Sunday’s Best at Church.
  • Wearing bright and colour clothes at a funeral.
  • Don’t wear entirely black outfits at weddings.
  • Wearing flip -flop s everywhere.
  • Ignoring the specific dress code of an event.